Where would you go in a Time Machine?

Happy 2016

Where would you go in a Time Machine?

Turn the knobs one way and travel back to the past. Watch delegates sign a newly minted Declaration of Independence in 1776 or ancient workers and slaves building pyramids in the desert.

Turn the dial to the right and pull the lever and you’re off to the future! Watch your great-grandkids tell stories of your adventures as they work on the design for those flying cars we STILL haven’t quite perfected.

2015 is in the past. Sure, we had a boisterous, complicated, and sometimes torturous but always interesting year. It was short, it was long, we lived and learned, and it was fulfilling. The Time Machine has been there and done that. Read more

Eulogy II

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

So we gather again to say our goodbyes and to celebrate a life that each of us will remember in a different way. John Crews had a talent, among many, for finding a way to become almost anything that was asked of him. He started as a boy without a place in the world who became a soldier when his country called; he became a musician and performer when it brought joy to others. He was a teacher and a business creator when he saw the good it could bring to his family, his world, his community – and ultimately he found his place with a family of his own and he found his place with Jo.

He was proud of his military service, and rightfully so. It was a different time and a different nation that called him. It took participation from John and Jo both to make it work but he not only served but served with honor and was decorated for his actions. I think that, more important than the medals or the brave acts in war that earned them was the notion that, when his country called, (as he often said) he was happy to serve. This is a theme that would replay over John’s whole life. Read more


Sunday April 22, 2012

We’re here on Earth Day to bring closure to and celebrate a life on Earth that was well-lived. For me: Grandmother—but also daughter, sister, wife, mother, great-grandmother, aunt and great-aunt and more but in the end all the names still add up to Joelmae.

In April, four years ago almost to the day, I wrote in some notes the random quote: “Can’t be anybody but myself.” I didn’t put where it came from so either she said it, or I just figured she would have.

I also figure that seeing this family and knowing how many other family members and friends are thinking about her fondly today would be pleasing to her. She touched many lives and each one was forever changed by knowing her but she wouldn’t really want the credit, she wouldn’t want to be the center of attention, and she certainly wouldn’t want any fuss so I have to preface all this by apologizing to her because we’re going to do some of that today. Read more

Redefining Success

(This is the text of a speech Jill and I wrote for her to deliver at an Austin Women’s Blogging event.)


I did some career counseling with my son the other day. I think it went pretty well. He’s four years old… almost five… and frankly I think it’s about time he started to take this whole “responsibility” thing seriously.

No, but it went down like this.  We were at one of our favorite burger places, my husband was there, the kid… really just into his food at first but at one point he got interested in how the trash was taken care of.  He wanted to know how the trash can worked, and if they took it out the front, and who was responsible for it. Read more